Dear Community,
Columbia Gas is committed to keeping you informed as the construction of the new Rock Springs POD progresses. We wanted to inform you of work that will be occurring over the next week that may impact the community.
What: Periodic loud noise and natural gas odor as the new Point-of-Delivery (POD) is tied-in to the existing system.
When: Monday, April 22, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Where: New POD site
Why: To finalize construction and connection of the new POD
What to Expect: As we work to complete the Rock Springs POD replacement project, there are some processes that need to occur to bring the new POD online that may cause minor disturbances within your community. Intermittently throughout the week, April 22-26, you will hear some periods of loud noise and may smell some of the odorant added to natural gas.
This process is safe, and the noise and odor are normal as this process is completed and the new POD is brought online. Columbia Gas has informed local law enforcement agencies to alert them of this process and they are aware of the work that will be occurring. This work is safe and the noise and smells you may experience are normal.
As a critical infrastructure provider, we work to provide safety, service, and comfort to our customers and the communities we serve. We will strive to keep you informed as to any work associated with the new Rock Springs POD. If you have questions, please email our team at
Dear Community,
Recent inclement weather has delayed the pressure testing that was scheduled to occur on Tuesday. This testing has been rescheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, April 4, 2024, weather permitting. As the pressure is released through a “blow down” process you may hear additional noise for a short time during the afternoon. This noise is normal as the pipe is depressurized. This work is scheduled to be completed by the evening. Please reach out to our team at if you have any questions regarding this process.
Columbia Gas is committed to keeping you informed as the construction of the new Rock Springs POD progresses. Construction is moving forward and is on schedule. Please be aware that on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, pressure testing will occur at the new POD. As the pressure is released through a “blow down” process you may hear additional noise for a short time. This noise is normal as the pipe is depressurized. Please reach out to our team at if you have any questions regarding this process.
We are committed to keeping you informed as the Rock Springs POD construction progresses. Due to inclement weather delays, there will be construction activity on site as late as 7 p.m. this week to ensure the project remains on schedule and is completed as soon as possible. Due to the extended construction hours, our team may need to use additional lighting to ensure crew and project safety during this time. Please reach out to our team at if you have any questions.
We are committed to keeping you informed as the Rock Springs POD construction progresses. This Friday, 2/16, the heavy construction phase will begin. A state certified flag crew will be on-site directing traffic to ensure both northbound and southbound traffic is maintained. Please use caution while driving or walking in the area.
Clearing and grubbing has begun on the construction site. Over the next several weeks, workers will continue to grade area and begin construction of pillars. Flagging crews will be operating on Riley Road during construction hours (Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.). Please travel with caution as construction vehicles will be entering and exiting the site.
This advisory is to inform you that construction of the new Rock Springs point-of-delivery (POD) that will replace the existing 53-year-old POD will begin the week of January 16, 2024. Below is an approximate timeline of the construction schedule. The January portion of work will include site clearing and the civil and concrete construction for the project. The work may necessitate the temporary closure of Riley Road northbound in that area. If that is necessary, a state certified flag crew will be on-site directing traffic to ensure both northbound and southbound traffic is maintained. As well, temporary rumble strips will be placed on the pavement to warn motorists of the road work. Please use extra caution if you will be driving in this area. Some work may be postponed at times dependent on weather delays. We expect the project to be completed by late April/early May.
Columbia Gas is committed to keeping you carefully informed on the construction of this project.
Construction Timeline
Site Clearing: Mid-January
Civil and Concrete Construction: Mid-January
Testing and Connection: Late February
Fencing of POD: Mid-March
Restoration: Late March/Early April
Completion: Mid-April/Late April
Columbia Gas is committed to keeping you informed on the construction. As such, we have scheduled an “Informational Block Meeting” for residents in close proximity to the work. Columbia Gas representatives will be on hand on Tuesday, December 5 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Columbia Gas’ Vint Hill office, located at 4167 Bludau Drive, Warrenton, VA 20187, to discuss the construction process and answer any questions you may have. This is intended to be an open house format where you can come and go anytime between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Pre-construction work for the new Rock Springs POD is anticipated to begin on May 16, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. During this time, there may be periodic lane closures on Riley Road. Please drive with caution in the area of Riley and Rock Springs Road. Be prepared to stop as directed by a flagman. Please stay informed by signing up to receive our advisories.